God chose a mother for me who would teach me to love and honor Him in everything, to draw strength from Him alone. A mother who would raise me to be a confident woman who behaves like a lady. She taught me to love laughter and good friends, to invest in the lives others but not to be a doormat, and to fight for what is right. She modeled for me a passion for seeking knowledge in God's Word and to work hard at everything I do. Not to mention she is an amazing teacher. I've met a many of her former students and I have yet to hear anyone say anything less than how influential she was in their lives. I hope I turn out to be half the teacher she is. I'm grateful for my mother, and while our relationship was not always peachy, I've grown to appreciate her as a friend and a role model. She is such a blessing to me.
I'm also blessed to be given the dream mother-in-law! She loves me like a daughter and helps me to be more easy-going. I have friends who dread visits from their in-laws. Luckily, I'm not one of them, and we are well on our way to cultivating a fantastic relationship. In fact, when ever she comes to visit, she just hugs my husband and then she and I spend the next hour chatting!
And there's one other woman whose one choice to give me better changed the course of my life forever. I think she'd be quite pleased to know that decision worked out so beautifully. While I don't consider her my mother, as that role was filled by God's perfect choice for me, I'm eternally grateful that she loved me enough to want better for me. Adoption is a beautiful thing.
How blessed am I.
PS. Someday, I'll post those other pictures as well as our kitchen updates. Promise.