Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kindergarten Korner

We explored the ways our bodies can bend today, and then practiced those motions while keeping a steady beat (there are important neurological connections being made, as silly as it sounds!)

So we're bending our elbows to the steady beat (in the same way one would do if they were flexing). All the kindergartners are doing a great job and are mostly on the beat and following me. Well, that is everyone except for one of my students, who we'll call Little Man. It's a fitting name, actually, because he likes to think he's grown.

Little Man has rolled up his sleeves to show-off his "muscles." He's flexing those tiny little biceps with all his might.

Aaannnnnd he's kissing them. Kissing each bicep, one at a time, just utterly in love with them.

But, he's doing it with a steady beat, so I just decided to let it go.