Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More funny things . . .

After finding out the video they created (as mentioned in the political post) was selected to be featured at our state's Music Educators Conference (!!!!!) my fifth graders literally screamed and jumped out of their seats. One boy even decided to run around the room like a wild man, and after giving him the whachoothinkinsityo'selfdown look, he matter-of-factly said "It's okay. I needed an outlet."
. . . at least he sat down . . .
R: "Mrs. W, my stomach hurts. I keep burping and burping."
Me: "Umm . . . I'm sorry."
R: "Yeah, I just can't stop burping over and over again."
Me: "You at least say excuse me, right"
R: "Yeah. It feels like someone inflated my stomach" . . . burping "see what I mean?"
Me: "Gee, thanks R"


A rather observant third grader to me.
U: "Mrs. W, are you pregnant?"
Me: "Umm, no. Not at all."
U: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes, quite. Thanks for your concern, though"
U: "I mean, you're tummy is sticking out a little, so are you sure you don't have a baby in there?"
Me: " . . ."
She also continued talk about how my tummy was sticking out the entire time I was trying to tell her that she shouldn't tell women that they look like they're pregnant.

Both the week before and the week after this I had students tell me how skinny they think I am, which makes the whole thing even funnier in my head.

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