Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summertime, and the livin' is easy.

And by easy I mean sweaty and incredibly productive.

In my first 2.5 days of summer break, here's what we've done:

1. Put another coat of Golden Oak stain on the cabinets
2. Organized the garage
3. Mowed the lawn (that one was all Jordan. I refuse to mow have allergies.)
4. Ripped up hallway carpet and removed all nails and tack strips.
5. Bought most of the tile for the back splash at the9. ReStore for cheap!
6. Went to a concert, or at least stood outside the gates to hear Mumford and Sons. I cannot even tell you just how much I respect their music and their performance.
7. Had friends over for s'mores and hot dogs and FIRE!
8. Put the final coat of stain on the cabinets -- cherry on top! tehe!
9. Removed cabinet doors on the current cabinets in preparation for DEMOLITION next week!
10. Put in a corner garden bed where no grass grew in the yard. Not even weeds grew there, and that's saying A LOT because we mostly have weeds.
11. Put in a circular garden area around the old clothesline pole.
12. Planted a little garden area around the bird bath my dad brought back from my grandpa's house.
13. Bought plants for above gardens. I made a commitment! All. by. myself. That's a big deal, folks.
14. Slept in (believe it or not!) for two days in a row!

Whew. Now we're off to a fish fry at a friend's house. Never been to one before, so it should be a fun experience!


  1. Wow. That is an impressive list!

  2. Wow - you are done a LOT!!!!!!!! Nicely done!

    Now.... just add to your to do list - see Sarah when she comes home in a month! ;)

  3. OOOO what plants did you buy?

  4. Violas, Blue Bells, Blue Chips, Knock-out Roses, and something else that ended up not being the plant I thought I picked up, but it will still have pretty orange flowers, so I'm not too worried!

  5. You were at Mumford?! How did I miss you? I guess it depends upon what gates you were standing at. It was a great show!

    ...hang out soon?
